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10 of The most dangerous types of dogs

best dogs top 10 dogs

Dogs are pets, used by humans as a means of guarding or protecting sheep or many other things, for whom there are dogs who are more dangerous in your life.
There is a strong, fierce grapple, and we’ll show you ten types of dogs so they won’t fall into the grip of one of them.


This type has strength, speed, and endurance and is considered the third-best guard dog in the world, and is characterized by intelligence and strong senses and dead and soft muscles, and it is relied upon in the guard by security companies.

canary dog

A dog with a scary appearance, and once you see it from a distance, it makes you change the way.
This fierce animal has a muscle-filled body that makes it close to another dog called Beitbull but not from the same family, a Canarian dog with large head size and muscle strength.
It weighs between 38 and 50 kilograms. It is about 61 centimeters long.

Tosa inu dog

A vicious dog with physical characteristics qualifies him for that.
It has a weight of up to 91 kg and a height of up to 82 centimeters, which has pushed many countries to prevent its upkeep.

Asian sheepdog

This type of dog expresses it is one of the oldest types of dogs to date.
Its strong body structure and large size, as well as its large head attached to its body, separated by a short thick neck and can weigh up to 82 kilograms.

Napoleon Mastiff

Once you hear his name, you may conclude that he is from Italy, a dog known for his great head and difficulty of submission, and has scary features that tell you not to approach him.
Despite its huge size, it is fast moving. He could attack at any moment, whether the target was human or animal.
It may be up to 80 centimeters high and possibly 73 kilograms high.

Pakistani bully dog

A type of predator dog that first appeared in Pakistan.
It may weigh up to 64 kilograms, and is about 107centimeters high.
It is used for guarding, and it is recommended not to take it as a pet.

Argentino dog

This dog has a bite of 226.8 kilograms per 2.54 square centimeters and is the strongest dog-registered bite.
It’s fast enough to compete with the fastest animals like tigers.
It may weigh up to 60 kilograms.


This type of dogs is characterized by a scary shape and color consisting of black and gray.
This type may weigh 50 kilograms, and its muscle strength may reach 140 kilograms per 2.54 square centimeters.


This dog has a large head, a muscular protrusion, and a strong, sharp bark.


Although this dog weighs no more than 38 kilograms and weighs less than 52 centimeters, it poses a significant danger, especially as it has a 107 kg bats per 2.54 square centimeters.

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