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The ten smallest countries in the world did not know they exist

One of the most distinguishing and making Nations different from each other is its size, so it is a question: “What is the smallest country in the world? Among the most frequently asked questions about the world’s countries, the studies carried out by the United Nations have shown a list of the smallest countries in the world, as follows:


It is a Republic with more than three hundred islands of varying sizes, many tropical forests filled with unique plants and birds, with more than 130 species of endangered sharks and more than 200 million lanterns living there.


It is a small island located on the continent of Oceania, and despite its breathtaking views, there is little tourism; Thus, they are heavily dependant on foreign aid and assistance, particularly from New Zealand.
Its capital is a small village, with less than 600 people living, its own airport and one supermarket in the whole state.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

The economic citizenship system is the main source of income on these two islands, which allows any citizen who owns at least 259,000 dollars to invest in the sugar industry, thus increasing domestic production. You can even obtain citizenship by buying at least $400,000 on either island.

The Principality of Hutt River

This Emirate is located in a province of the same name in Australia, discovered by Leonard Cassley, declaring it an independent state. Although not recognized by any country in the world, it has its own currency, as well as a passport and seal.


Tuvalu is one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world, and its economic situation is greatly supported by its multi-million dollar domain ownership.TV.


Nauru is the smallest independent island nation on our planet.
There is no official capital or public transport system in Nauru, as well as environmental problems, make it unpopular with tourists, and according to a record from the island itself, 70 percent of the people in Nauru suffer from obesity.

The Principality of Seborga 

It is ruled by a commander called Marcelo, a village of the same name in northern Italy near the French border, with an army of three people: The Minister of Defense and two border guards.

The Republic of Molossia

The Republic of Moldova is located in the state of Nevada in America, discovered by Kefni Po, and its population consists of Mr. Bo, his family, three dogs, a Cat and a rabbit. Mulusia has a national anthem, a slogan, and a flag, and even sentences the perpetrators of serious crimes to death.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

It is very small in size and occupies a space of three buildings, two of which are located in Rome, the third in Malta Island and have its own stamp, currency, website, car numbers, and passport, and its citizens have free travel to many countries. It is the only country in Europe for which Latin is an official language.

The Principality of Sealand

The emirate of Sealand is a platform six miles from the coast of Britain, an unrecognized emirate, ruled by Prince Regent, who has set himself up as a prince. Anyone can become a Conta, a Baronna, or even a Duke, by buying the title on a few Australian pounds from the state website.



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