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In which countries are the richest wealthy putting their money?

A study by the Boston Consulting Group said the financial assets of the world’s richest people, who invest them outside their countries, rose 6% in 2017. To $8200 billion.

The French newspaper of Lisiko, which reported this news, attributed the reason for investing the rich in countries other than their countries to what allows them to benefit from the more suitable national taxes. The rates are sometimes close to 0%.

Countries known as “tax havens” played a central role in that matter, making them particularly benefit from the flow of capital to their markets.
Switzerland leads the countries where the rich invest, and even attracting such funds has become a component of Swiss identity; In 2017, Switzerland ranked 19 of the world’s largest economies with a domestic output of $7 billion, but acquired $2300 billion in rich foreign capital, especially Germans, French, and Saudis, according to the Boston Group.

There is a big difference between Switzerland and the countries that follow it in the arrangement, especially Hong Kong and Singapore, which attract a lot of rich foreign capital, especially Asia.
Hong Kong’s share of these funds in 2017 was about $1100 billion, with Singapore’s share of $900 billion. These two countries – classified among “tax heavens” – mainly attract Chinese, Taiwan and Japanese rich.

This pioneering trio is made up of other countries, such as the United States, thanks to Delaware and other tax havens on their territory, attracting about $700 billion in rich foreign money, most of them coming from Mexico, China, and Argentina.
Besides the United States, there is also the United Kingdom. If the flow of capital tends to slow ($300 billion), according to the consultancy Boston, other countries are known for their lighter taxes, such as the Anglo-British Islands ($500 billion) or Luxembourg ($300 billion).
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