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The rarest breeds of cats

rarest breeds cats

There are some internationally known types of cats, including Siamese and Pharsi. But there are very rare breeds of cats, though very beautiful, but they are found in very limited areas of the world.

The veterinary expert, Dr. Khaled Al-Omari, says that everyone who weeps cats knows that they hate water very much, unlike the Turkish Fan Cat who loves bathing in lakes and being near water Permanently, because of its origins near Lake Van in Turkey.

The Cat of Sphinx is one of the most famous and western cats in the world, known for its low hair and its different appearance from the rest of the cats. From this dynasty, many strains developed, the most well-recognized of the Peterbald Cat and a knife Cat.

Some of the softer and beautiful breeds, such as Napoleon’s Cat, have a soft, delicate feel with Persian origin, and is one of the most beautiful Cat breeds around the world. 

America’s short-hair Cat came with immigrants from Europe to America. The short-hair American Cat is a medium-sized Cat, which shows a lot of balance, endurance, and adaptability to any circumstances, the most striking color of the American Cat is the silver fur with black marks, which is the most widespread color of this kind. But there are more than 69 other colors available for short-hair American Cat… Smart friendly fisherman loves the whole family. 

Burmilla Cat Breed 

A British dynasty that lies in the middle between the Chilla and the orombal dynasty, produced by cross-cross-cross between the two dynasties, and bormila is known as the M on the front, a very curiosity Cat, a very intelligent, very friendly.

California Spangled 

A Cat breed that began to grow in the 1980s is a rare breed, developed to resemble wild cats such as the flute and the tiger.

Dwelf cat 

It has no representation on the ground, and it is known to be the result of a separate breed, which has the shape of the “consciences” on its body, is completely dislocated, and is similar to the Abu Al-Hawl scholars!

Diamond-eyed cat 

His native Tsao Mani in Thailand, valued at gold when sold, and the international educators try to keep this category alive for its high value, and his strange and difficult eyes, one of which is brown and the other blue.

Singaporean Cats

This breed developed by an American nurse discovered in Singapore took it to America and developed an accurate breeding program to produce this breed, which features two wide eyes of a green or yellow color, and the body and the Cat legs form a square shape with the earth. These cats have only one color: Dark brown, Hsin, chin, chest and abdomen in Dakhani. 

Snowshoe cat 

This breed appeared as a hybrid between the short-hair American Cat and the Siamese Cat. This powerful, medium-sized Cat was born combining the size of short-hair ancestors with the length of the eastern ancestors. It is strong, naws, and agile, because of its length and strength. Its brown color, white spots, short hair, and strong body make it unique. His voice is soft, sagged, and indicates a strong passion. 

Manx cat 

A cat with no tail and bright fur and light hair like a rabbit, has a lower coat and thick hair, the hind legs are longer than the forefathers, his walk is like a rabbit jump, the nose is long, the eyes are wide and the eyes are round, the color is suitable for the color of the fur, characterized by intelligence and education.

LaPerm cat 

grew out of a natural surge in Dallas in Oregon, the United States, and there are never two species, one long and the other short. It is a medium-sized cat, with a very twisting hair, a hereditary agent responsible for curling hair is a dominant factor, and a soft-print Cat, usually produces no sounds, and because it is considered work on farms, it is a skilled fisherman as a pet companion.








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