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If Kim Jong-UN dies. Who will succeed him, and will North Korea change its nuclear policy?

After circulating information about the death of North Korea leader Kim Jong-UN, After his disappearance since April 12, and his absence from the birthday of his grandfather, the country's founder, Kim Il Sung, on April 15, the country's most important official holiday, many reports began to speak of his successor as president.

Many also wondered about Pyongyang's attitude after Kim's death. What is the fate of their nuclear weapons.

Bruce Klinger, head of the CIA branch in charge of former Korean affairs. He said that in case Kim died, North Korea would still represent a nuclear threat to the world .

The researcher in the US "Heritage" corporation confirmed that the North Korean regime has long focused on the importance of nuclear weapons in its national security case. He therefore refused to negotiate.

He said that his successor may be smarter and communicate with the world countries, but the main goals and policies of the regime will remain stable, and North Korea will remain a nuclear threat to the countries of the region.

Kim, 36, has ruled for about 10 years since his father died in 2011, but in recent weeks intelligence reports have said Kim suffers from a serious health crisis after a cardiovascular surgery. But the South Korean government confirmed that there are no strange signs or moves that prove the authenticity of these reports.

He added that the next leader of Pyongyang may be more strict, and will be more weak than Kim. It will therefore depend on the support of the ruling party and military leaders who reject the idea of change.

He indicated that during the period of authority transfer, Pyongyang will have to create a new crisis to include people around the new leader, and that the regime propaganda will focus on the necessity of vigilance against the United States and South Korea, and will increase its nuclear arsenal.

Candidates for Kim's succession
With regard to Kim's most likely successors, there are two from the Kim family and one from outside, according to Klinger.

He said: "Until recently, it was widely assumed that North Korea's strict Confucian culture prevented a woman from ruling the country, but Kim's sister, Kim Yu-Jung, has gained fame and authority in recent years."

He explained: "Although it is less ranked by others in the North Korean delegation that attended the 2018 South Korean Olympic Games, it is clear that it was the real leader," he said, noting that since then, it has gained important titles that have given it a greater place. It also issued a statement on its name criticizing South Korea's response to North Korea's missile launch.
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