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New Zealand regains the title of the world’s most steep street

New Zealand once again won its title as the most steep street in the World Records Guinness Encyclopedia, after a fierce battle.

The Guinness Encyclopedia mentioned in a statement Wednesday that it returned the title to “Baldwin” street in Dunedin district, after an official review.
The street had previously carried the record for more than a decade. Before being awarded to the “Avford bin lish” street in the Harlish area of Wales in 2019.

The new results confirmed that Baldwin Street has the biggest decline rate, 8.34%, compared to the decline of “Avford-Ben-Lish” street, 6.28%.
Toby Stov said. Who carried out the ground survey of Baldwin Street, which led the campaign to return the title, that in order to assess fairly the different shape of the two streets, the decline must be measured in the middle of the road.
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